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Tuition, Fees and Other Costs


All listed prices cover the spring and fall semesters of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Tuition and College Fees

The average cost per credit hour for resident students is $396 per credit hour and the average cost per credit hour for non-resident students is $953 per credit hour.

Programmatic Fees

Engineering * :
Resident: $2,208
Non-Resident: $2,352
Nursing * :
Resident: $4,032
Non-Resident: $9,648
Business Management:
Resident: $288
Non-Resident: $672
Math and Natural Sciences:
Resident: $672
Non-Resident: $840
*Includes pre-engineering and pre-nursing


University Hall


Hogan Hall

For more information and to see floor plans, visit

Food Plans


Golden Bears Select 21 (per week):
This plan comes with 21 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. It’s perfect for students who plan on eating all their meals on campus throughout the semester. This is the default plan for all students unless an alternate plan is selected by Fri. June 28
$2,823 per semester
Golden Bears Select 15 (per week):
This plan comes with 15 meal swipes per week, and $75 Dining Dollars. This plan is ideal for students who are away from campus most weekends, or for students who may sometimes eat fewer than three meals a day.
$2,507 per semester
Golden Bears Select 10 (per week):
With this meal plan, students get 10 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. This plan would be good for students who eat a couple meals a day and are away from campus most weekends.
$2,206 per semester


In addition to the WVU Tech residential dining plans, the following plans are available as an option for students who live off-campus, who would like to purchase a dining plan.

Option A: 80 meals per week
This plan comes with 21 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. It’s perfect for students who plan on eating all their meals on campus throughout the semester. This is the default plan for all students unless an alternate plan is selected by Fri. June 28
Option B: 50 meals per week
This amount of meals would be great for students who like to get a meal on campus a few times a week.
Option C: 25 meals per week
Do you grab a meal on campus about once a week? This plan is perfect for you.
To explore the meal plans for the 2024-2025 academic year, visit