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Tuition, Fees and Other Costs

Tuition and fees are usually not the only educational expenses you may have while pursuing a degree. You may have other costs such as books, supplies, and living expenses. Please see the  Estimate Costs & Aid webpage  for how to estimate and plan for other potential expenses.

Undergraduate – Cost per credit hour up to 12 hours

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
Undergraduate Resident $314 $37 - $351
Undergraduate Non-Resident $841 $37 - $878

Undergraduate – Cost per semester

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
Undergraduate Resident $3,768 $444 - $4,212
Undergraduate Non-Resident $10,092 $444 - $10,536

School of Business Tuition and Fees

School of Business Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$314 $37 $12 $363
Undergraduate Non-Resident $841 $37 $28 $906

School of Business Undergraduate
Cost per semester

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$3,768 $444 $144 $4,356
Undergraduate Non-Resident $10,092 $444 $336 $10,872

Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering Tuition and Fees

Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$314 $37 $92 $433
Undergraduate Non-Resident $841 $37 $98 $976

Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering Undergraduate
Cost per semester

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
Undergraduate Resident $3,768 $444 $1,104 $5,316
Undergraduate Non-Resident $10,092 $444 $1,176 $11,712

School of Arts and Sciences Tuition and Fees

School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$314 $37 $18 $369
Undergraduate Non-Resident $841 $37 $33 $911

School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate
Cost per semester

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$3,768 $444 $216 $4,428
Undergraduate Non-Resident $10,092 $444 $396 $10,932

School of Nursing Tuition and Fees

School of Nursing Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$314 $37 $178 $529
Undergraduate Non-Resident $841 $37 $422 $1,300

School of Nursing Undergraduate
Cost per semester

Residency University Tuition University Fees College Tuition Total
$3,768 $444 $2,136 $6,348
Undergraduate Non-Resident $10,092 $444 $5,064 $15,600

Food Plans


Plan Cost
Golden Bears Select 21 (per week): *
This plan comes with 21 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. It’s perfect for students who plan on eating all their meals on campus throughout the semester. This is the default plan for all students unless an alternate plan is selected by Fri. June 28
$2,905 per semester
Golden Bears Select 15 (per week): *
This plan comes with 15 meal swipes per week, and $75 Dining Dollars. This plan is ideal for students who are away from campus most weekends, or for students who may sometimes eat fewer than three meals a day.
$2,580 per semester
Golden Bears Select 10 (per week): *
With this meal plan, students get 10 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. This plan would be good for students who eat a couple meals a day and are away from campus most weekends.
$2,270 per semester

Non Residential

In addition to the WVU Tech residential dining plans, the following plans are available as an option for students who live off-campus, who would like to purchase a dining plan.
Plan Cost
Option A: 80 Meals *
This amount of meals is ideal for students who eat one meal a day on campus during weekdays.
Option B: 50 Meals *
This amount of meals would be great for students who like to get a meal on campus a few times a week.
Option C: 25 Meals *
Do you grab a meal on campus about once a week? This plan is perfect for you.

* Prices for the 2025-2026 academic year are pending Board of Governors approval.

Housing Costs

Residence Halls

Housing Option Cost
University Hall (single):
$3,558 per semester / $7,116 per year
Hogan Hall (double):
$3,558 per semester / $7,116 per year

Other Costs Per Year

Note: The costs represented are only estimates and do not account for financial aid or additional financial support.

Tuition and fees are usually not the only educational expenses you may have while pursuing a degree. You may have other costs such as books, supplies, and living expenses. Please see the  Estimate Costs & Aid webpage  for how to estimate and plan for other potential expenses.

Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)


University Tuition:$314

University Fees: $37

Total: $351


University Tuition: $841

University Fees: $37

Total: $878

Cost per semester


University Tuition: $3,768

University Fees: $444

Total: $4,212


University Tuition: $10,092

University Fees: $444

Total: $10,536


School of Business Tuition and Fees

School of Business – Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)


University Tuition: $314

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $12

Total: $363


University Tuition: $841

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $28

Total: $906

School of Business – Undergraduate
Cost per semester


University Tuition: $3,768

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $144

Total: $4,356


University Tuition: $10,092

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $336

Total: $10,872


Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering Tuition and Fees

Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering – Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)


University Tuition: $314

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $92

Total: $443


University Tuition: $841

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $98

Total: $976

Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering – Undergraduate
Cost per semester


University Tuition: $3,768

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $1,104

Total: $5,316


University Tuition: $10,092

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $1,176

Total: $11,712


School of Arts and Sciences Tuition and Fees

School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)


University Tuition: $314

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $18

Total: $369


University Tuition: $841

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $33

Total: $911

School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate
Cost per semester


University Tuition: $3,768

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $216

Total: $4,428


University Tuition: $10,092

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $396

Total: $10,932


School of Nursing Tuition and Fees

School of Nursing – Undergraduate 
Cost per credit hour (up to 12 hours)


University Tuition: $314

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $178

Total: $529


University Tuition: $841

University Fees: $37

College Tuition: $422

Total: $1,300

School of Nursing – Undergraduate
Cost per semester


University Tuition: $3,768

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $2,136

Total: $6,348


University Tuition: $10,092

University Fees: $444

College Tuition: $5,064

Total: $15,600


Food Plans

Residential Meal Plans

Golden Bears Select 21 Meals (per week): $2,905 per semester *

This plan comes with 21 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. It’s perfect for students who plan on eating all their meals on campus throughout the semester. This is the default plan for all students unless an alternate plan is selected by Fri. June 28

Golden Bears Select 15 Meals (per week): $2,580 per semester *

This plan comes with 15 meal swipes per week, and $75 Dining Dollars. This plan is ideal for students who are away from campus most weekends, or for students who may sometimes eat fewer than three meals a day.

Golden Bears Select 10 Meals (per week): $2,270 per semester *

With this meal plan, students get 10 meal swipes per week, as well as $75 Dining Dollars. This plan would be good for students who eat a couple meals a day and are away from campus most weekends.

* Prices for the 2025-2026 academic year are pending Board of Governors approval.

Non-Residential Meal Plans

In addition to the WVU Tech residential dining plans, the following plans are available as an option for students who live off-campus, who would like to purchase a dining plan.

Option A (80 Meals): $874 *

This amount of meals is ideal for students who eat one meal a day on campus during weekdays.

Option B (50 Meals): $565 *

This amount of meals would be great for students who like to get a meal on campus a few times a week.

Option C (25 Meals): $294 *

Do you grab a meal on campus about once a week? This plan is perfect for you.

* Prices for the 2025-2026 academic year are pending Board of Governors approval.


Housing Costs

Cost by Residence Hall

University Hall (Single): $3,558 per semester / $7,116 per year

Hogan Hall (Double): $3,558 per semester / $7,116 per year

Note: The costs represented are only estimates and do not account for financial aid or additional financial support.


Other Costs Per Year

Cost per year

West Virginia Resident

Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $7,340

Transportation: $1,290

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $20,016


Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $7,340

Transportation: $1,890

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $20,616

Cost per year

West Virginia Resident

Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $6,920

Transportation: $1,290

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $19,596


Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $6,920

Transportation: $1,890

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $20,196

Cost per year

West Virginia Resident

Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $6,920

Transportation: $1,290

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $19,596


Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $6,920

Transportation: $1,890

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $20,196

Cost per year

West Virginia Resident

Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $11,640

Transportation: $1,290

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $24,316


Supplies: $950

Food: $5,646

Personal: $2,050

Housing: $11,640

Transportation: $1,890

Insurance: $2,740

Total: $24,916